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3D y animación 0.1.0

by Grupo gvSIG last modified 2010-10-29 15:35

Upload layers of 3D objects

The layers of 3D objects are loaded in the same way that layers are loaded for a vector or raster file.

In the dialog of add layer from file, click on the add button and under "Select file type" select GvSIG OSG Driver

The formats of 3D object layers that GvSIG can load are files of type .osg and .Ive.

To learn how to generate those formats refer to the section Create layers of 3D objects and Save layers of 3D objects.

Create layers of 3D objects

The tool to create 3D object layer create layer can be found on the toolbar when a 3D view is active.

When you click on the create 3D layer button, a new layer of vector type is created immediately and a message appears indicating that the layer has been automatically set to editing mode.

Save layers of 3D objects

The tool to save layers with 3D objects save object can be found in the toolbar when you select a 3D objects layer in a 3D view and is also it activates the editing mode of that layer.

If we click on it you will get the following dialog box, where we can select the path and file format (*.osg or *.ive) in which we want to save the layer.


Note: The file format *.osg is an ASCII type while the file format *.ive is a binary type.

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